Sunday, September 9, 2012

Weekend of Service

We had the opportunity to participate in a mega-stake service project over the weekend.  I gave a talk a couple of weeks ago, and one of my points was loving our neighbors by service. I couldn't help but think that we were so blessed to be handed the opportunity to serve. Seriously, it couldn't have been easier to serve our neighbors.

It rained, poured rather, the whole time! Mark was awesome and helped outside of the pavilion in the rain by moving mulch. J and I stayed under the pavilion and folded maps. It was fun to help as well as socialize. 

Anyhow, here are some pictures from our weekend, both of the service project and other random moments.
Our sweet, messy boy. We love him to death!

Mansae! Yay!

He has been making this face a lot lately. Cracks me up!

Mark is soaked!

Haha, my favorite!

Daddy's boy!


I couldn't get him to look at me to save his life....but here's his outfit I made!