Thursday, April 25, 2013

Spring Update

We're doing well! Spring is finally here (minus the snow we had over the weekend)! Not much has changed. Mark is studying for exams and J is growing up! Mark and I love this time with J! He is so funny! J doesn't say very much yet, but he sure does express himself! J loves to play! This week we have noticed that he has begun to play with things by having them be his proxy, i.e. he has one stuffed animal tackle another stuffed animal, or his dinosaurs attack one another. He still loves to read and likes it when we read to him. He loves the outdoors and being free! He is such a giggly little boy! He has noticed what we do a lot more. We need to be careful now, he really is beginning to mimic us! On Sunday, J opened a hymnal and then began to wave his arms and sing, like Mark does when he leads the music! When I stretch or exercise, J does the best he can to copy me! He has the funniest fake laugh, and uses it anytime we are laughing. He looooves airplanes and anytime one flies over the house, he gets really excited. He likes cars and animals and likes to growl! He could eat blueberries, carrots and seaweed all day! He signs "please" and "more" all of the's his fall back anytime he has something to express. We love watching him grow!

J came to me with his monkey backpack and firetruck and plopped down next to me and fell asleep! What a day!

Niiiice Hair

First taste of a "Peep" for Easter. Egg hunt was a success!

We struggle at taking a good family picture. This is the best we have so far....someday we'll get one we all like!

Hellloooo Spring!

Most of his pictures turn out like this....him on the run!

Our Little Man

Melts my heart

J was saying..."b?b?"...which translates to "airplane?"

Love it!


Sick Day, all cuddled up.