Monday, December 23, 2013

He turns 2!

Our sweet little baby is 2! I can't believe how big he has gotten and how much he has learned! He is such a typical little boy. If it's a vehicle, he loves it! If it growls, he loves it! If it bounces, rolls, lights up and makes sounds, he love it! If Daddy is doing it, he loves it! He is a ball of energy and he keeps me going! He has a cute waddling run, and he jumps whenever possible.  Thankfully, he loves his asleep as well! He likes to giggle a lot. If we're not in the room and he giggles...that's bad news, he's probably doing something naughty. When we catch him in the act of doing something naughty, he hunches his shoulders, gives us a great cheesy smile and does a guilty giggle. He likes to be tickled and he likes to tickle mommy, daddy, his cars, his stuffed snowman and the Christmas tree. He likes to identify what everyone is doing and wants everyone to do the same thing. He can count up to 5 and occasionally up to 10. He knows the upper case letter sounds of the alphabet and more than half of the lower case letter sounds. He's a pro at his colors and knows his left from right. His favorite phrase right now is " BIG [insert any noun]" and "little [insert the same noun]". He says "BIG" in a low, raspy voice and "little" in a high, soft voice. He loves nursery, and can hardly take the first hour of church because he is so excited to go! He loves music and dancing. His best buddy is daddy and he loves to hang out and watch daddy juggle. He tries to find random things for daddy to juggle too (dinosaurs, tv remotes, stuffed animals, etc). He's a sweetheart and makes life exciting!

Goof Ball!

This just reminds me how little he is!

What did you say?? What's written on my shirt???

Okay, I'm cool. I can do this.
