Saturday, November 1, 2014


Just wanted to give a little update on the kids:

E: E is 4.5 months! He is such a sweet little guy and really goes with the flow. He gives his smiles easily and is always content when held unless it's nap time. He started to roll from tummy to back a couple of months ago, but rarely does it. I used to think that E was terrible at tummy time, but I started to notice that he is merely trying to eat the blanket he's on or eat the picture on the play mat. He started to roll from back to tummy on Oct 23rd and seems to prefer to be on his he can eat things! He is a giggly little guy, and his giggles make us happy! I see the effects of being a second child, he gets really excited for any attention! We still can't tell what color eyes he'll have, but I think they'll be a greenish/bluish hazel like Mark's eyes. His's a dark blonde...but sometimes I think it could be strawberry blonde. He adores J, and smiles at J the most!

J: I guess we can start saying that J is almost 3! Not 2, not 2.5, but almost 3! Ahh! Where has the time gone! J has had it rough with the arrival of a little brother. J loves E, but I can tell that the change in daily routine and still the lack of firm routine makes him anxious. I thrive on schedules, and it has been difficult for me too. Not to mention that I'm still sleep deprived and I'm not a patient person when I'm tired. I've been really focusing on my own patience with J this past week and I've seen a huge improvement in J's behavior. Who would have thought that being patient, nurturing, loving and calm would really help our children? If only the gospel taught me that...oh wait. Seriously though, yelling has absolutely no effect...and it just makes things worse. It takes more work to wait and be calm, but it's the most effective. Anyways, I got side tracked. J is such a big boy! He's becoming very articulate! He loves to tell stories and he tells me about the funniest dreams that he has! One of his dreams was about 20 monkeys swinging like crazy in our backyard and another was about his whole ceiling being covered in clocks...I don't think he's making up his dreams, because who would have thought of that! In the past three weeks, I think J has only worn his Spiderman shirt, his BYU shirt and his skeleton pjs...I have to do laundry almost everyday! I have to use one outfit to bribe him out of the other...or we'll be we were to church a couple of Sundays ago. Skeleton pjs aren't church appropriate, right? Because I keep trying to justify that they could be...for my sanity. J knows a lot of sight words and really contributes during reading time! He is so excited for Halloween! We went shopping this past Saturday, and coincidentally the shopping center we went to had trick or treating with the businesses. Good thing that J's default day clothes are Spiderman and BYU, because J was wearing Spiderman and with the hood up, he really fit in with the other trick or treaters. J is a social guy and loves playing with other kids! He goes up to other kids and says "let's play" and it makes my heart melt every time! J likes to cook and likes to pretend cook. In fact, J likes to pretend a lot! It's very cute and very fun!

Got the skull mask idea from a book Kristin sent us! Thanks Aunt Kristin!
Columbus, Center of Science and Industry

Spock! Instead of saying "thank you" at each door while Trick or Treating, J would walk away saying "live long and prosper!"

Captain Kirk, Uhura, Bones and Spock

Their names are Sweetie, Vladamir, and Derp (J came up with that name all on his own!)
Sorry for the poor quality!

Having too much fun!