Sunday, June 9, 2019

J's Last Day of First Grade!

Ewin is 5

He's 5! He still loves dinosaurs (almost 3 years now), but he also loves Star Wars, backpacks, video games, swimming and Legos. His favorite color is red, his favorite number are the powers of 10, his favorite dinosaur is the T-rex, his favorite non-extinct dinosaur is the star-nosed mole, and his favorite foods are strawberries and kimchi. He wants to be a paleontologist when he grows up. He has been reading for a while now, but finally is finding joy in it. He is quite the independent guy. He wants to do things on his terms in his time. He has a sensitive soul and is quite sweet, but also quite feisty. He has a great imagination. He remembers events/people from years ago and it surprises me every time! Even if I don't remember something happening, I can usually trust that he's right. He really looks up to his brother and looks forward to when school ends each day.  We love this little buddy!