Eevie is one! I can't believe how quickly this past year has gone! We love having Eevie in our family and it's hard to remember life before her. She's growing and learning so quickly!
It took her forever to learn how to roll (6 or 7 months) and crawl (9 months), but she somehow managed to learn how to walk at around 10 and a half months. I think that she really did not like crawling. She got her first 2 teeth at around 7 months and then didn't get anymore until 11 months.
She loves hugs and kisses from her family. Her favorite part of the day is when Daddy gets home from work. She squeals, runs to him and puts her arms up waiting for him to pick her up. She loves laughing at her brothers and follows them everywhere. Joshua is so gentle with her and Ewin is very playful. For strangers, she is very serious. She is a tough shell to crack. She just stares you down.
She loves her blanket and binky. She loves books, dolls, her stuffy rabbit and giraffe, the tv remotes and game controllers. She got a new toy baby stroller for her birthday, and she just walks laps around the house with it. She loves to wear accessories; backpacks (especially Ewin's), wings, bows, and skirts. I can always calm her down by letting her brush her teeth.
She babbles a lot and says uh-oh. She says "ca" for cat and meows. She also sweetly barks for dogs. She has mastered the baby sign for more and all done. She also clearly lets us know she wants to be held when she puts both of her chubby arms up.
At around 10 months, Joshua broke into tears at dinner because he realized Eevie was growing up too fast. He missed newborn Eevie. We feel very bittersweet about her growing up, but we love seeing her grow and learn.
For her birthday, we did it Korean Style. As with our other kids, we had her pick from a table of items to see which item she would pick up. She picked the calculator! Video included below.