Friday, July 17, 2015

Really Late, But E is One!

This is late, but I'm writing this as if E just turned one!

My baby is now ONE! I cannot believe it! He has been such a trooper this past year and has been such a great addition to our family! In his life so far he has crossed, by car, the entire United States from Atlantic to Pacific pretty much 4 times! He is a mellow little guy that is full of smiles! As he is becoming more mobile, he is becoming more energetic, yet he is still retaining his mellowness! He loves his big brother and is already trying to copy J's every move. When daddy comes home, E is so full of love and excitement that it melts my heart! He is not quite walking yet, but he is a pro at standing up on his own without any support. He crawls with such excitement! He pounds his hands into the ground, gives a cute baby pant and goes as fast as he can. He likes to be held and puts his arms up and says "eh, eh, eh" with a sweet little smile on his face until we pick him up. He loves to dance and will rock out to any music. He is trying to mimic sounds and words and we know he is trying because he'll giggle at himself after trying. He also finds it hilarious when we mimic him! He is content crawling around the house and doing his own thing, which is a little foreign to me. When we take him shopping, Mark and I have both commented that sometimes we "forget" he is in the cart because he is so quiet and doesn't mind just looking around. I feel bad, because a lot of my child entertaining in the past has been in response to crying and whining...and E doesn't get as much because he can entertain himself! He forsook baby food a while ago, and loves canned carrots, bananas, lunch meat, and green beans. He is a little pickier than J was, so I'm trying to adjust. E is at the stage where he likes to take things out of containers and also put things back in! That makes for a clean play area... as well as surprises in my shoes and oven mitts! He is ticklish and easy to please! He is beginning to become interested in books and loves it anytime we sing. He is not a great sleeper...and I don't know what to do about that, but at least he is so well mannered during the day? He is still blonde....and we can't tell what his eyes, gray, green, hazel? We can't remember  life without him!
In the hospital, J is such a great brother!

Half a Month!
1.5 Months

2.5 Months

3 Months

3.5 Months

4 Months

4.5 months
5.5 Months

6 months

6.5 Months
7 Months
7.5 Months
8 Months

9 Months

9.5 Months

10 Months

10.5 Months

11 Months   

11.5 Months
12 months!

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