Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Update on J: The BIG BOY (Grunt the words "big boy", that's how J says it)

It's been a while since I've posted, and J has grown so much! He's still a fun and energetic boy. He likes to talk a lot and will talk about anything, anytime and anywhere. His new favorite phrases are "come on" and "How about...." He knows that his name is "Josh-she-sa Soy-ya." He mimics everything, and we have to be really careful! He's very helpful and he helps with the dishes, grocery shopping, picking up his toys, setting and cleaning the table, getting into his own high chair and car seat and picking things up off of the ground because my back hurts when I have to do it. He has suddenly decided to love giving hugs to Mark and me. He has to do it with a theme though: zombie hugs, fish hugs, pirate hugs, and monkey hugs are his favorite. He likes to pretend to be different animals, but I think he likes to be a dragon the most. Everything in his life has a "count down" and then "blast off". Today, his pear slices had to fly to the moon before landing in his mouth! He likes to count, and he counts everything! He loves being a "big boy" and much to my chagrin, climbing on furniture and jumping high makes him a REALLY big boy. He likes to sing and will finish phrases to songs if we start them. He is in a toddler bed now, and he loves it...but the freedom isn't as fun for mommy. He is randomly afraid of the curtains in his room, but he knows that if he prays and sings he wont be scared. I'm actually quite surprised that he has been handling his fears well and doesn't let it bother him too much. He loves nursery and it takes all his little self control to not try and run out of the chapel every 5 minutes to get to nursery. He comes home and tells me the things he has learned, "don't walk on books in nursery" and "don't run in nursery, run at home." It makes me laugh, and I'm glad that he is taking constructive criticism well. He loves being outside (thank goodness that it's warming up!) and he learned how to ride a tricycle! He tells me that his favorite color is purple, his favorite food to eat is hot cereal or oatmeal and the school bus is his favorite toy (which confuses me, because he never plays with it). He knows Mark's and my favorite colors, ages and names. He wants to be a doctor like daddy! He is always surprising me with the things he can do, and I'm realizing that I should be expecting more from him! He is surprisingly very reasonable sometimes! He is always making us laugh and he loves to laugh himself! He is preparing to be a big brother, and he seems excited to have a little brother.

He was so proud of himself! 

Life is great in 3D! He's rocking the 3D glasses!

He found lipstick at the park...


He was obsessed! 

He is starting to pose and in the most cheesiest way possible! I love it! 

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