Monday, August 4, 2014

Welcome to World, E!

The last couple of months have been a whirlwind for sure! We are so grateful for the family and friends that have really helped and supported us! We are so happy that E is here! This blog post is devoted to E's first couple of months. It's more for record keeping, so feel free to skip down to the pictures!

My due date was on a Friday, and I had a scheduled C-Section for the Tuesday right before. I wasn't excited about having another C-Section but we decided that it was best for my situation. I was looking for the positives, like knowing exactly when I would deliver and having arrangements made for Joshua ahead of time. Joshua was two weeks late when I delivered him and I figured that we would be safe. Well, every pregnancy and every child is different! The Thursday before my C-Section (so a little over a week before my due date), I woke up at around 2 a.m. feeling really uncomfortable. I went to go lie down on the couch in the family room. I still couldn't quite get comfortable. At about 2:30 a.m., the thought occurred to me "am I having contractions?"My contractions were really intense and very obvious with Joshua, but I was only feeling a little pain. I tried to ignore it and tried to sleep. At 3 a.m. I decided to start timing my pain...they were coming at 5 minute intervals. Mark got up to get ready to leave for his surgery rotation and so I told him I might be having contractions. After some discussion I decided that Mark should just go to his rotation and I would call my clinic when it opened at 9 a.m.. I figured that it was probably false labor because I wasn't in a ton of pain. I spent 36 hours consistently contracting with Joshua before I was even dilated to a 5, so if the pain got worse, we would have time to prepare. (I left the bit out about the 5 minute intervals to Mark). At around 6 a.m. I was contracting every 3-4 minutes, but the pain almost seemed like it was going away. I was still able to play and run around with Joshua through the contractions. At around 9 a.m. I called my clinic just to see when I should be worried. They told me to come in for a labor check. (The clinic is 30 minutes away from the hospital). Well, Mark had taken the car. I have such amazing friends who jumped into action and one friend took Joshua for me and another came to drive me to my clinic. Mark had told his attending the situation and she told him just to go home just in case. While my friend drove me to clinic, Mark started to drive to the clinic to meet me there. I told my friend just to go home, because Mark would pick me up. I waited in the waiting room for 15 minutes, before the receptionist realized I was there for a labor check. I was feeling good though, so I wasn't worried. The doctor examined me, and I was already at a 5 and in active labor! Obviously, I shouldn't have been surprised...but I think I was in denial. The doctor told me to get to the hospital right away. I told her I was stuck at the clinic for another 20 minutes until Mark came. She seemed really worried! When Mark came, the doctor insisted on my taking a wheel chair out. They were taking so long trying to find one, so I just got up and left (I was still feeling okay). Mark and I took another 30 minutes to get to the hospital. There were intense contractions here and there but not a lot. I got to the hospital, got admitted and got prepped for surgery. At 2 p.m., our handsome little guy was delivered via c-section, weighing in at 8 lbs 3 oz. Every one (except one nurse) swore I would have a 6 lb baby. Given my situation, we're glad we opted for that c-section! Mark and I were a little shocked that E was so fair! He didn't look one bit like Joshua did! Genetics is a funny thing! J has had it rough, and he is trying to adjust to the change. He is a sweetie though, and loves his little brother. He cannot wait to play dinosaurs with E! We're so blessed to have two wonderful boys! The last two months have already become a blur (honestly, that's a good thing), and we're enjoying the smiles and cuddles from both of our kids!

J, meeting E at the hospital

From my 5 minute photoshoot of E. I decided to take a nap instead.

Blessing Day!

Our last 4th of July in Cleveland! (most likely). Turkey burgers turned out awesome!

They make me smile! I promise, they're brothers!

Grandma Sawyer's quilt

Out of about 100 pictures of this pose, this one was the best I could get. It was quite comical in retrospect. The undergrad guys on their back porch two houses down probably got a kick out of me saying "Hi E, Hi E. Smile E. J, keep smiling please! J, please don't bonk your head on E's head. E, please smile! J, please take your hands out of your mouth! Okay, handsome boys, smile! J, please don't bend E's arm like that! E, please don't sleep! Okay, J keep your hands on your tummy. J, please come back!" repeated 5 times. I'm glad the picture looks serene!

My Cutie Pie. He has gone through a lot in the last two months. He's such a good brother though!

J, wanted me to take a picture of this. I thought it turned out well! 

Going on a walk

Totally unprompted, J poses like Spiderman!

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